The Size of Snow
Film “The Size of Snow” was a free project of 5 designers:
Nina Farsen (, Jenni Zetterberg,
Juliane Lory (, Tero Ahonen
( and Suvi-Tuuli Junttila.
It was filmed in Berlin on spring 2006.
Film was made by using “lo-fi” and old school technologies around a
small model.
Film has been shown at international short-film festivals in
Germany: “24 Stunden von Nürnberg” (“Best of´s”, 2006),
“Cinecitta Action Festival” in Nürnberg (2008),
“Miniminutes” in Mainz (2008), “Filmfest Weicht” in Hofhaus (2008),
“Kino am Rang” in Freising (2008), “Flensburger Kurzfilmtage” in
Flensburg (2008), and “Filmstock” (2008) in Luton, England.
It was also broadcasted in Austria, by Vienna non-commercial cable
TV station Okto tv, program “Film Frei” on 2012.
You can find the film and the making-off film in here: