
Happy New Year 2025!
This illustration is for Me Naiset magazine (52/2024) about trends of 2025, in society, work life, health etc. Photo by Ninna Lindström. You can watch the whole article here.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2025!
These marshmallow snowmans we made with my son for his school class Christmas market few weeks ago

Finally it is public! We have been secretly working for a new book since few years with Vuokko Hurme, and finally it will be published by WSOY in spring 2025! I am so excited!!! It’s a handbook for children’s birthdays, including everything from programs, games, decoration, food etc. And it’s gonna be a-m-a-z-i-n-g :D!!!

I have had lately super interesting work projects. This illustration I made by building a miniature for an article written by Katariina Halonen for Me Naiset 47/2024 about diversity at Finnish Police. How the police takes care of people with different backgrounds, cultures, sexual identity and gender – or do they. Photos by Ninna Lindström. You can see the whole layout here.

When life throws you peas, you better fight! (Nothing wrong in peas though.) We were working on these images for Me Naiset / IS Extra with Mikko Hannula for an article about nutrition, written by Anette Kärkkäinen. Upper image by Mikko Hannula, and the mini stop motion animation by me. The layout of the article you can watch here. This was fun again!

The feeling of autumn – yes – maybe. This new illustration I made for a Me Naiset article 33/2024 about emotions. Check all images and layout here.

A new illustration for Me Naiset feature few weeks ago. This was a fun project, even the story was about the death of fun. Photos by super talented Mikko Hannula. Original 1960’s photos by Matti Mäntynen/Helsingin kaupunginmuseo (Finna). See the full layout here.

Seasonal Greetings and Happy New Year 2024 for everyone!
This image was inspired by one small pine tree branch which I found from a rock near our home. It looked so much like a reindeer with a long tale behind that I just had to make this picture :).

This is an image I can not stop watching. The picture was taken by Tuomas Kolehmainen to an article by Pauliina Grönholm for Me Naiset (36/2023). The article is about death, and what happens in the last moment between life and death of a human. I decided to use a small dying geranium leaf (1,5 cm tall) to symbolize the moment between. There was about 50 leafs in the studio, but only this little one had the right shape, a bit of a heart, a bit of a flame, a bit of a tree. When it´s size has been made about 100 times bigger from the original, it is difficult to understand it – it looks like a small universe, mysterious, poetic, just beautiful – a miracle – like life itself, and death too.

This illustration makes me super happy every time I watch it :). It belongs to a serial short novel “Runsauden meri” written by Joonatan Tola for Me Naiset magazine (27-33/2023). I made it by using mixing media technique on an old light table. Pictures were taken by Panu Pälviä at Sanoma studio. I like it specially because I found this technique super cool and effective, leaving an interesting atmosphere. I also love the story! I will post later the whole serie of seven images here.

This lilliput interior and illustration I made for an article in Me Naiset magazine (5/2023) written by Pauliina Grönholm, about home mothers in society. Photos are taken by Anna Huovinen. This was really fun :). More images you can see here and the layouts here.

Another super interesting illustration was for Me Naiset Trends of 2023 written by Pauliina Grönholm. I built up small sceneries from different materials which were photographed by MIkko Hannula at Sanoma Studio. For the web version we made also a small stop motion animation, just for fun :). More images you can watch here and the full layout here.

Lately I have hade super interesting illustration tasks at my work at Me Naiset magazine. One was to build up small koffins for an article by Heidi Heino about the trends of burial. Photos were taken by Mikko Hannula at Sanoma studio. More images you can watch here and the full article with our animations here.
Fun tasks give spark for daily work life. This illustration I made for Me Naiset magazine’s novel by Laura Malmivaara. It took a while to learn how to make an origami heart by watching Youtube tutorial, but I think it works quite good. The story is about border crossing love between a business woman and an electrician.
Very good news! Maailman napa book is in the shortlist of The most beautiful books 2021 selected by The Finnish Book Art Committee. Winners will be published in March 2022. So happy to be have this honour :). Check out all finalists here.
Working on… 🙂
On these days our cardboard baby book “Maailman napa” is finally out! Few years it took, but all worth of waiting :). Feels super good! Texts by Vuokko Hurme, illustration by me. Publisher Kustantamo S&S. Check more here. Here you can buy the book :).
I was asked to make some Fungimaa floor pillows to the kids area of new exhibition “Toivoa puusta” (“Hope from wood”) in the Museum of Finnish Architecture in Helsinki. The exhibition will be open until April 2022. Welcome! (note: picture is not taken from the exhibition)
New school year has started with new school books :). These covers I made already 2018 while I was working half year as work exchange in Sanoma Pro. Finally the first real book, 1+2 Elements is out, while the X-course was only online course at study platform Kampus. The series started new grammar school (lukio) English A1 course books. Check here more.
Have a look on my Fungimaa pillow shop at!
I will have a summer break starting on 2nd of July, but then opening again at 20th of July :).
I have been working soon for 2 years in Me Naiset Feature team. I have collected my favorite layouts and illustrations in an own section Magazines -> Me Naiset Feature. Have a look here.
Finally it is puplic! We will have a new book coming with Vuokko Hurme on September 2021!! It is a book for small kids, babies and their parents. It is a cardboard picture book, where this little person has also a part :). The book is specially focusing on nice time together with a small kid. Text by Vuokko Hurme, illustration by me, publisher Kustantamo S&S. Here you can buy the book :).
Our new little big family member :). This soft whale I made last weekend just for fun for my kids from some left over textiles. Sometimes one has to just make something for fun, not so serious. Kids love to play and sleep with it. Since it is almost one meter long, it has just the right size to hug :). It seems to also like snow.
Happy New Year 2021!
It is nice to start new year with cool work assignments like this :). This illustration we made together with photographer Mikko Hannula for the newest Me Naiset magazine (03/2021). The article is written by Virpi Salmi, and it is about the future of textile industry. At the moment most of the clothes are made of polyester = plastic = oil, or cotton which is not the most ecological either. In the future clothes can be made of wood, and the whole textile cycle and recycling hopefully works better than at the moment. More photos you can see soon here.
There is some hot actions around my brand Fungimaa in social media at the moment :). It is positive news for me, but also little bit problematic. My page is unfortunately down at the moment, so all pillow orders go at the moment through There is big delays in production, but I try to get new pillows online in coming days/weeks :). Please, be patient :).
Autumn is here again and it is getting dark evening skyes again here in the North. This is my latest illustration for Me Naiset magazine to an article about addictive horoscopes. It was great fun again and I loved to have my hands in “real stuff”, not only computing. Great photos were made by Mikko Hannula, article by Virpi Salmi.Check more here.
Easy to smile if one gets good health care. If not, life is not so sunny. This illustration I made out of modeling clay for Me Naiset magazine 33/2020. Text by Jenni Kleemola, photos by Anna Huovinen. Check the article and illustrations here.
Something fun in the middle of these weird times. This illustration and layout I made for Me Naiset magazine 12/20120 which came out 2 weeks ago. Text by Essi Myllyoja, photos by Juha Salminen. Check the whole article and illustrations here.
Last weekend was “Toukan Lastenkirjafestivaali”, children’s book festival at Annantalo in Helsinki. It was great fun! 87 kids came in 2 hours to our workshop made together with Vuokko Hurme, and made their space characters out of old toilet paper rolls. After they could take photos on top of the egg carton planet, which I made for the book “Leikkimään, pahvi!“. Next time this workshop will be made in Helsinki Book Fair and Turku Book Fair at autumn 2019. Welcome!
My first book “Missä, tässä, jossakin…” was published this summer in Poland by Tekturka. The Polish translation was made by Iwona Kiuru. If you order the book on their website, you can get as a present the members of the book in a matchbox!
Super cool idea!
These images I built up for Me Naiset magazine (31/2019). The article was about Barbie doll’s 60th Birthday. This was one of my funniest works for a while. More images check here. Photos by Johanna Jarva. Read the full article here.
This small stop motion animation I made with help of my cousin’s daughter Maisa, just for fun and of course to promote our new cardboard book with Vuokko Hurme, “Leikkimään, pahvi!” :). 2019
Here it is! Leila’s new cardboard book “Leikkimään, pahvi!” (“Let’s play, cardboard!”). This is a book made together with children’s book author Vuokko Hurme. This is our second book together, and was super nice again to do it! For more images click here. From here you can order it:
Finally this is public: our new children’s book “Leikkimään, pahvi!” (“Let’s play cardboard!”) with Vuokko Hurme will be out in June, published by Kustantamo S & S.
Finally I can show here two little stop motion animation films, which we made together with Nina Farsen on summer 2015. Editing took a while, and sound was made later on 2017 by Maura Korhonen. I got a grant for making them from Grafia ry. The animations are based on a children’s book I am working on. It was a great project, and great learning process. Only for one minute of ready animation one needs crazy many hours of work. I used Dragonframe animation program for making the animations. Check out also making of photos here. Unfortunately the size online has it’s limits, so the resolution is a bit blurry…
Finally I can show here two little stop motion animation films, which we made together with Nina Farsen on summer 2015. Editing took a while, and sound was made later on 2017 by Maura Korhonen. I got a grant for making them from Grafia ry. The animations are based on a children’s book I am working on. It was a great project, and great learning process. Only for one minute of ready animation one needs crazy many hours of work. I used Dragonframe animation program for making the animations. Check out also making of photos here. Unfortunately the size online has it’s limits, so the resolution is a bit blurry…
These little signs I made for a kindergarten group (“bunnies” and “bears”).
Autumn has arrived with yellow, but sky is still blue :). This little mobile melody box I made for my little one. It can be hanged in a pram, and makes mother and baby smile (and sleep). This is not in production yet, but if you have an interest, please contact me:
This is what happens when tape gets wild… New book out now!
Video by me and Vuokko.
I have been updating my web portfolio, and added a lot of my latest works from Me Naiset magazine. I have had the pleasure to work for Me Naiset for last 3,5 years and have really enjoyed. You can find the layouts which I have made from here and here.
Finally the book I made together with Vuokko Hurme, “Leikkimään, teippi!” (“Let’s play, tape!”) is out! You can find the book in book stores, libraries and forexample here: For more images click here. Schildts & Söderströms, 2016
Happy 1st of May! This little stop motion animation we made for Me Naiset magazine with my colleagues Aino Korpela, Helmi Järvinen and Jutta Aaltio. It was fun!
I have been working lately for a very nice children’s book with my old class mate, journalist and kids culture specialist Vuokko Hurme. The story of Leila playing with tape, “Leikkimään, teippi!”, will be published August 2016 by Schildts & Söderströms.
A cool work for Me Naiset women’s weekly magazine, issue 44/2015 is ready. The article was about parfumes for different moods,
and I made the collage style illustrations for it. You can watch all the pictures and ready layouts from here.
Photos MVPhotos/Seasons Agency and Shutterstock.
Warm August nights are here, and I have been working on lately on a small animation project based on my children’s book illustrations. We were sitting with my good friend and super patient co-worker Nina Farsen in a small dark room for 2 weeks,
and learned by doing how to do stop motion animation :). 2 small animations were captured, but lot of work is still waiting to
be done. Anyway it was fun! Coming soon…! Photo by Nina Farsen.
Great small hint of my book in Helsingin Sanomat Teema issue 5/2014. Leena Virtanen, a free journalist and children’s book activist says: “The best children’s book of the year is Suvi-Tuuli Junttila’s visually wonderful Minne matka, lapanen?”. : )
Finally they arrived! “Minne matka, lapanen?” (“Where to go, knitted mitten?”) is out from printing house, and I feel happy : ).
More than two years of work and planning has finally come to something concrete. You can order the book in HERE, also with acknowledgements : ). More about the book you can read HERE. If you need full image of the book cover, you can download it HERE.
“Minne matka, lapanen?” The story of little lost knitted mitten and an acorn are on it’s way… to be published later in autumn 2014! Read more here.
I have been working on my next children’s book since 2 years now. Finally it will come out this autumn by Schildts & Söderströms in Finnish and Swedish. Here one of my favorite pictures of two little adventurers… Coming soon : )
This image for a powder test was published few weeks ago in Me Naiset women’s magazine (6/2014). We made this beauty picture together with my colleague, photographer Panu Pälviä. It was fun to play with the powders and cake papers like stencil style. And I think the result is pretty cool too. More Me Naiset beauty images you can find here.
Spring has finally arrived to Helsinki. Actually much earlier than usually. Just to remind, my first book “Missä, tässä, jossakin…” is still available in some book stores. And you can also anytime order it straight from me, for price 20 euros including dedication : ). Just email me: Also available in Korean!
On the way to be shipped to Korea! I will take part to The 8th Cheongju International Craft Biennale in South Korea.
If you happen to be around on 11th September to 20th October, please visit Finland’s Pavilion. There is some Fungimaa
mushrooms and my book in Korean. Welcome!
So happy!!! Thank’s to my great Korean friend Jihyun Ryou, my book “Missä, tässä, jossakin…” has now published in Korea too by Little Mountain Publishing. Small step for a human, but big step for a small nut, bottle top, screw and hook : )
(Actually a very big step for me too!)
New season and new colours! Check out:
This is how Restaurant Rulla in Helsinki looks like with Fungimaa pillows, unique made for them. Rulla is in the same space with Nudge Helsinki shop (Yrjönkatu 30). Nudge Helsinki is selling also Fungimaa pillows.
New season ready to be picked up! Fungimaa will be presenting a pop-up shop in Nudge Helsinki for October 2012.
Welcome to Yrjönkatu 30 to enjoy season’s delicacies!
Finally the lamp is almost ready. Different colour versions will come later under the “Products” site.
I decided that the name of the lamp is “Shy”, because that is what she is.
Almost a lamp… I have been planning to make this lamp for 5 years, and now it has finally reached it´s body.
A piece of folded aluminium and a tale. Only the “hat” is still missing. But I am working on it…
Happy New Year 2012! In Helsinki it means the year of World Design Capital, I am looking forward to see it!
My wish for this year is to continue with book illustrations, hopefully to make the next story for Missä, tässä, jossakin…
One of four images we built up together with my colleague Veera Näsänen for Finnair’s Blue Wings magazine’s
latest issue, Christmas presents article. Other two you can watch in “Illustration” part.
This was fun! Photos by Mikko Hannula.
Seasons greetings! Mushroom season is here, and these small ones are just waiting to be planted in the city…
More mushrooms:
My book “Missä, tässä, jossakin…” won the 1st prize of Mikkeli’s 9th Illustration Triennale! Very happy!!!
I was asked to design one shop window for my book ”Missä, tässä, jossakin…”.
I built it up with Mario last Monday. It will stay few weeks. Have a look if you pass by!
WSOY shop, Bulevardi 12, Helsinki.
Finally my book “Missä, tässä, jossakin…” is out!!!
Here few images from the book to give you a bit feeling about it. More you can watch in parts “Illustration” and “Graphics”.
All images are made in a small scale model by using different materials.
The story is about small objects – nut, screw, hook and bottle top – and their adventures.
Happy New Year 2011!! I am very much looking forward to it, because in one month my book “Missä, tässä, jossakin…” (“Where, here, somewhere…”) will be published ! ! ! ! This image is a bit about what is going to come out. The book was originally my master thesis work for Design Academy Eindhoven in Holland, where I graduated 2008. The book will be published by Finnish publisher WSOY on 8th of February.
One of three landscapes we built up together with my colleague Veera Näsänen for Finnair’s Blue Wings
magazine’s Christmas presents article. Other two you can watch in “Illustration” part.
Also Fungimaa mushrooms got in the photo! Photo by Piia Arnould.
Market and mushrooms in Habitare Fair, last weekend in Helsinki.
I am gonna exhibit my “Fungimaa” mushrooms in Habitare Furniture Fair in Helsinki, 1st, 4th and 5th of September.
Also some mushrooms in DIY exhibition at Kaapelitehdas on Helsinki Design Week. Welcome!
YES! “Fungimaa” web page has opened! Lot of mushrooms! Check it out:
First trial with silver, and it worked nice. The size of this little necklace is 17 mm.
Made of silver clay by hand, burned in 900ºC, and came out from oven as silver 999. It is magic!
Spring greetings from Athens!
New mushroom colours: purple, dark red and white fake leather.
New ice cube photos and happy new year from Helsinki!
Finally available!
Prices up from 50 euros.
Enquiries and pre-orders, contact: